A visit to the Pomerania Euro Region

After hours of discussions with Mum, with have chosen that this autumn, we will travel to the Pomerania Euro Region, more exact: Usedom, the island shared between Germany and Poland. We start our trip, this coming Saturday, and will take a route through Poland and Germany. The trip is long, as it is 900 km. Good news is that both Mum and I can drive, so we should be fine. We thought, it was safer to take a private car, rather than a train, bus or a plane, given the threats related to the COVID pandemic. We will stay on the Polish side, in the town of Swinoujscie, but will be visiting both sides of the island. We decided to go there, as the place is meant to be beautiful, full of opportunities for walking and cycling, not crowded (important in the era of COVID) and with excellent infrastructure, when it comes to cosy lodging and tourist activities. Some of the attractions and features of the Usedom Island (both sides of the border) are well described on this website in English.
We shall stay on the Baltic Sea for 5 days. After the visit, we are returning to Nowy Sacz, where I spend the last week, before returning to Panama.
Enjoying family, friends and nature in Poland
Beskid Sadecki Range, Krynica, Poland, October 2020
The trip from Spain to Poland went uneventful, and this is wonderful news.
I am now in Nowy Sacz with my mother, and have already seen my brother and some of my neighbour friends. I feel at ease doing so, as I appear to be healthy and without any symptoms of COVID for well over a week now (this was precisely why I decided to carry out the self-imposed quarantine in Krakow).
The weather here in the south of Poland is wonderful. It is a bit chilly, but then the sky is blue, there is lots of sunshine, and the early autumn colours of the tree leaves make everything look magic.
I am still teleworking this week, and only starting my holiday as of this weekend that is coming. No idea what we will be doing yet, but surely when the plans are clearer, I will all let you know.
In the meanwhile, in case you were interested, here are some pictures from Madrid & Toledo and under this link from Krakow, which I took, on the way to Nowy Sacz. I will not surprise you by writing that I am planning to share with you more photo galleries from the south of the country in some days as well.