It has been a hard mission... | News from Roman |

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It has been a hard mission...

Potrerillos, Honduras, November 2020

It has been a busy, difficult but inspiring two weeks. I am now packed, and ready to go to the airport, feeling that the mission is well accomplished, but looking forward to getting home to be able to rest… physically and mentally.

I find Honduras to be enchanting. Despite its bad reputation of being one of the more dangerous places on earth (in terms of violent crime), I was pleased to discover that people here are nice and kind hearted… My experiences were all positive, literally from the first conversation with the immigration officer, all the way to my interactions with victims of the hurricanes in the evacuation shelters.

Honduras also seems to be exceptionally beautiful. Its green forests, its rivers, valleys and its amazing mountains… Then there are plenty of small old towns with narrow streets and beautiful houses, churches, town-halls. All full of colours, joyful and enchanting. Very romantic to look at and experience.

All of this was confronted with the mind-boggling devastation of the two mega-hurricanes that hit the country within 10 days. The associated destruction of houses, places of work, farms, roads, bridges, hospital, administration buildings, water or electricity networks caused humanitarian suffering that is beyond imagination… Adding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the insecurity that I have mentioned about, I observed stories and situations that in a way I would have preferred not to experience. Yet, as it usually happens extreme situations trigger amazing reactions of human kindness and selflessness from family, neighbours, community members and strangers. While it is difficult to forget some of the dramas that people need to confront, I will try concentrating on positive vibes that I was lucky to see.

I can only hope that our mission
(look at some pictures here) managed to contribute to easing some of the stresses of the affected people and will help, at least some, getting back to their normal lives soon.

I hope that I will be able to visit this beautiful country again, and that the next time around, the circumstances will be a bit happier!