Tahir is coming to Panama!
Outside of Panama City, December 2019
Time is flying… and I am very pleased that it does on this occasion! In less than a week, I should be welcoming Tahir, arriving here to Panama City from Toronto.
We have lots of exciting plans for his time in the country. We will spend the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day here in the city, but then we will go to the province of Chiriqui in the western part of the country (close to the border with Costa Rica). We will be there for 5 days, exploring the mountains and lakes… and we will pay a visit to the only volcano in the country!
Later in January, before he leaves back for Canada, we will also spend 4 days on the seaside. I am not sure, where exactly, we will be going, but will decide soon!
I am so excited and happy that my best friend is coming over!
Right after spending time with Tahir here, the plan is that I will be travelling for work to Ecuador and then to Bolivia. When it comes to Ecuador, we will be looking at the humanitarian challenges in the country, and trying to ensure that our visit helps us to make better project decisions (we will be choosing new projects/partners to work with for the rest of the year soon after). In Bolivia, for the other hand, we will be following up on the projects that we were funding on the occasion of providing assistance to the communities which suffered from the Amazon forrest fires some 4 months ago.
I hope that your December and January plans are shaping out well too!