The fifth month of the lockdown | News from Roman |

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The fifth month of the lockdown

77B489DF-933F-4282-ABF9-DCC96EA2AE98_1_105_cThe view on the centre of Panama City from the balcony of my apartment, April 2020

The month of July 2020 is certainly not the best one of my life, and is not the one that I will remember well. Instead of engaging with my usual work, and visiting projects in the continent, I am stuck at home, here in Panama, frustrated with lack of clarity on how much longer we will need to be under the lockdown. If additionally you take into consideration, the absolutely shambolic presidential elections (I am more referring to the style of it, rather than merely who won), as well as depressing pandemic situation in Panama and the rest of the continent, then it is easier to understand why I am not that enthusiastic over what is happening in my life.

I am however hanging in here okay, and looking forward for the times to get better! I hope you are all well, wherever you are reading this message.