A mesmerising walk | News from Roman | welcome


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A mesmerising walk

Centre of Caracas, Venezuela, March 2024

My plans for the Easter weekend initially were quite different. I intended to take a break and unwind, especially after my travels to Washington DC and Brussels had left me feeling exhausted. However, reality had other plans for me. The workload I had accumulated meant that traveling was out of the question; instead, I found myself needing to stay put in Caracas and focus on work.
Despite this unexpected turn of events, the weekend wasn't all bad. Much of the work I tackled was engaging and fulfilling. Plus, I managed to explore the city a bit. Saturday turned out to be particularly memorable. I found myself wandering around Plaza Bolivar and then venturing into the smaller streets leading up to the National Pantheon. The stroll was enchanting, making me feel as though I had stepped into a fairy tale. I was captivated by the charming albeit worn-down buildings, ancient trees, children playing soccer, elderly men engaged in chess matches, a barber setting up his makeshift 'shop' complete with a small mirror and chair tucked under a walkway, spice shops, and the mesmerising glow of the Caribbean sun. It was a simple walk, yet it filled me with joy and temporarily lifted the weight of looming deadlines off my shoulders.
If you're interested in viewing photos from my walk, you can find them in this album: Scroll down to see the pictures towards the bottom of the album).