Last week at my Casco Viejo home | News from Roman | welcome


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Last week at my Casco Viejo home

Streets of Casco Viejo at night, Panama City, Panama, August 2022

It is confirmed now.
I am leaving my Casco Viejo home, and moving to a new apartment, some 3 km away. While I am excited to be going to a new place, I am also sad. I like the Old Town of Panama City, and despite being tiring at times, it also has lots of charm.

As you can imagine, the two weeks to come will be really busy, as I will be trying to arrange all the practicalities related to moving my stuff from one place to the other. I will shoot some pictures, so that you can appreciate my new place too. Stay tuned!

In other news, tomorrow we will be celebrating the International Day of Humanitarian Worker. To mark the occasion, there will be a podcast interview published with me (conducted by M. Orłoś, the journalist in Poland) on our humanitarian work in Ukraine. Once the material is online, I will surely share a link with all of you.