An unexpected trip to Recife | News from Roman |

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An unexpected trip to Recife

8A641F18-CE17-4201-96CC-83D6F2F48715_1_105_cItabuna, Brazil, January 2022

You may have heard that northeastern part of Brazil is experiencing some devastating floods and mudslides again. The city of Recife and its surroundings are especially badly hit. The reports suggest that over 90,000 people have been displaces, thousands houses and public infrastructure are destroyed beyond repair. Most tragically nearly 100 people have been killed and many are missing.

Given the scale of the catastrophe, I am now packing my bags, and will travel to Recife to be able to determine whether we could contribute in the relief and emergency operations.

I will be leaving tomorrow, and will stay in Brazil for around 10 days.

I will try keeping you updated on the experiences from there. Until then, please stay safe!