Archives for October 2020 | Roman's photos


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The post-lockdown experience in Krakow 🇵🇱🇪🇺

The Old Town, Krakow, Poland, October 2020

Six months of the strict lockdown in Panama City, frantic attempts of trying to get a ticket to visit Europe, the long travel to Madrid, and then onwards via Amsterdam and finally I am in Krakow for a few days, before I proceed further to my native Nowy Sacz. It is unusual for me to stay in Krakow for such a long time (five days), as I usually visit it for a day or two. This time however, I thought it was a good idea to make a longer stop to make sure that I am alone as much as possible, so that I can make sure that I do not have any symptoms of COVID which I might have caught during the trip, so that I am not a danger to my family, when I see them!

Staying in Krakow is always fun and inspiring, it is a beautiful city. There is no difference this time... Krakow is a pearl, worth visiting, no matter what.
Enjoy the pictures!