Archives for March 2021 | Roman's photos


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The walking refugees, the city, the desert and the mountains 🇨🇱

91518332-0E16-4510-BB95-F49C75EBBDA4_1_105_cColchane, Chile, March 2021

March 2021 gave me an opportunity to visit Chile. As the political, economical and humanitarian situation worsens in Venezuela, thousands of people leave their country in search of better life. Chile, on the other hand, being one of the wealthiest countries in South America is becoming the dream land for many of the refugees. Since the beginning of 2021, thousands of Venezuelans do whatever in their power to enter Chile in search of stability and a chance to make a safe and normal living for themselves and their families. Yet, the journey to Chile is dangerous. As people do not have means and opportunities to travel by planes or busses, they walk... walk for thousands of kilometres, risking their lives in the jungles, desert and mountains; at the mercy of human traffickers, mafias or cruel immigration systems of the countries they pass through (for more information, click at this link).

My own trip to Chile was supposed to understand the humanitarian challenges of the newly arriving refugees, and bring ideas on how we could contribute to ease the dangers and help people integrate.

The pictures in this gallery document our journey to Santiago de Chile, the country's capital and numerous towns and villages in northern part of the country, where so called 'irregular border crossings' take place.

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