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Now in Caracas, Venezuela

New photo album from Spain


New photos from Madrid, Boadilla del Monte and Seville. Spending time with Leo, Marta and her family.

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A Journey Across Continents: Europe and Central Asia Await


Off to Spain tomorrow! Preparing for a trip to Poland, Malta, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

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When Politics Decides Who Survives: The Human Costs of Aid Reductions

Pasted Graphic

Thoughts on what is happening in the world in 2025.

The upgrade of the album section is ready!

Preparing for a trip to Spain.

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Excited for My March Break in Madrid: Catching Up and Exploring!


Tickets bought: I will be going to Madrid soon!

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Caracas Western Barrios


An afternoon visit to Caracas western 'barrios' of Catia, El Cementerio, and Antímano, some of the most fascinating parts of the Venezuelan capital.

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